Agri-Trade Equipment Expo
The Partnership of Agri-Trade began in 1984 and has continued to this day, and is a joint venture of the Red Deer and District Chamber of Commerce and Westerner Park. Agri-Trade is considered to be one of the best Farm Equipment Shows to do business in North...
Alberta Shorthorn Association (Rod MacKenzie Memorial)
The Alberta Shorthorn Association is a group of breeders that are dedicated to the propagation and promotion of great Shorthorn genetics. Rod was a purebred beef producer from Mountainview in Southern Alberta. He was recognized as an excellent stockman and a fine...
Art and Shirley Froehlich (Dan Fullerton Memorial)
Dan Fullerton joined the Olds College family in 2002, and was an example of dedication for everyone who he worked with. As Director of Business and International Development, Dan had dream to connect coffee growers in the Dominican Republic with coffee lovers in...

Barb Lawton Memorial Fund
Barb touched her classmates with her strength and dedication. She took challenges as the norm, excelling in athletics and fashion merchandising.
Barry Beaven Memorial Fund
Barry Beaven was born in Wilkie, Saskatchewan. He was a well-known and respected businessman in Calgary for over 33 years. Throughout the years, Mr. Beaven pursued his interest in raising Maine-Anjou cattle and was active in the Maine-Anjou Association. He enjoyed...
Blue Sky Solutions Ltd.
With 25 years of experience within Canada’s Upstream Petroleum Industry, Blue Sky Solutions Inc. (Blue Sky) is an Alberta-based health, safety, and environment (HSE) consulting company providing services primarily within Alberta, however offering these same services...
Brian Hosegood Memorial Fund
Brian was accepted into the very first class of the Transitional Vocational Program at Olds College. The following spring, Brian was hired by the College and was employed for twelve years. He was respected and well liked. His employer, Peter McKenna of Domco Food...
Bruce Cressey Memorial Fund
Bruce grew up on a farm west of Red Deer and enrolled in the Agricultural Mechanics program at Olds College in 1982-83. He hoped to return to the farm once completing his program, but unfortunately he was lost due to an accident at a very young age. Bruce found...
Chad Johnstone Memorial Fund
Upon the sudden, tragic loss of beloved husband Chad Johnstone, Marla Holdstock turned grief into a heartfelt gift to students at Olds College, where both she and Chad had attended as students. “Chad was passionate about ensuring there are well educated individuals...
Chinook Guild of Fibre Arts
The Chinook Guild of Fibre Arts consists of over 220 members with diverse interests in fibre arts. There are a number of disciplines within the Guild, including: Quilting Rug Hooking Needlework Evening Members also are committed to sharing their crafts with...
Cleo W. Mowers Memorial Fund
Mr. Cleo Walter Mowers was born on the family farm at Sibbald, AB and educated at Highland Park Rural School at Sibbald and as well as Alaska, SK. He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 1938 and took postgraduate studies at St.Andrew’s Theological...
Cyril K. (C.K.) Johns Memorial Fund
Dr. Cyril Johns graduated from Olds College in 1922. He was inducted into the Olds College Hall of Fame to honor his professional achievements as an internationally recognized Dairy Scientist. He was also an able speaker and a man of great integrity. C. K. started...
Dale Wesley Memorial Fund
Dale attended the Land Agent program at Olds College in 1986, and he earned a place on the Dean’s honor roll for his great academic achievements in his first semester. Dale passed away in 1987 due to an unfortunate truck accident. He will be remembered for his...
David Herbert Memorial Fund
Dave Herbert was an alumnus of Olds College, graduating from the Horticulture program in 1967. Dave returned to Olds College in the 1980’s in the capacity of Instructor and Coordinator where he inspired many students to pursue their career aspirations and dreams in...
David Shore Memorial Scholarship
Seven M Construction LTD is a family company established in 1979, which prides itself on upholding family values and is proud to be a family owned and operated business. Throughout our time in the landscape industry we have worked to employ individuals with a passion...
Dennis Ratcliff Memorial Fund
Dennis Ratcliff was a gifted, knowledgeable man who shared his love of life with all those around him. He attended the Olds School of Agriculture in 1947-48 then earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture. He taught Animal Science at Olds College, developed...
Dick Thomson Memorial Fund
Dick Thomson was an Alumnus of Olds College, having graduated in 1978. In 1981 he returned, and began a remarkable 31 year career here at Olds College where he was an instructor, a coordinator and the chair of the School of Trades; finishing his Olds College career...
Donna Mihailoff Memorial Fund
Donna Mihailoff’s life journey ended peacefully on January 24, 2003 in Olds, Alberta. Donna was born in Fairview, Alberta on September 21, 1945. She was a gifted student, had many friends and enjoyed her life in small town, Alberta. At the age of sixteen she...
Dr. Dan Cornish Memorial Fund
“Just call me Dan” was his introduction to folks in his life. People were Dan’s priority. As a past President of Olds College, it’s not difficult to imagine why this award was established.
Dwight Branson Memorial Fund
Dwight graduated from SAIT with his diploma in Petroleum Technology and continued his career in the oil and gas industry until his death. At the time of his death, Dwight and Lynn farmed in the Knee Hill Valley District. He loved the oil patch and found farming a...
Earl P. Bergman Memorial Fund
Earl Bergman attended the two-in-one Agriculture program in 1947. He then studied agriculture at the University of Alberta. Earl farmed and ranched all his life at Erskine, Alberta. He was very successful and always spoke highly of Olds College and enjoyed the...
Earthsmart Solutions
Earthsmart Solutions was launched in 2014 with a goal to offer innovative and eco friendly products that are: safe for plants, animals and humans have no adverse effect on the environment meet the specific needs associated with a sustainable environment Our...
Edna Croswell Memorial Fund
Edna Croswell started working at Olds College in 1978 as the secretary for the Dean of Instructional Services. Edna was the Agricultural Mechanics Department secretary at Olds College, when she died suddenly in 1982. She was originally from Wildwood, Alberta and...
Edward J.W. Boake Memorial Fund
Ed was a 1973 graduate of Olds College and proud of his affiliation with the College. From his early years he made it clear that he intended to farm, having a particular interest in the purebred Shorthorn and Angus beef business. Ed successfully fulfilled this goal,...
Ernest Anton Gisler
Ernest Anton Gisler came to Canada in 1962 at age 26, following his older brother Werner to Alberta. Together with Vern and his wife Pam, they began a dairy farm east of Innisfail in 1964. Over the course of thirty years, Gisler Brothers Dairy grew from ten cows in...
Florence Erion Memorial Fund
The youngest sibling of 15 in the Erion farm family at Scapa near Hanna, Alta., Florence was loved by family, friends colleagues. During her 30-year career in oil and gas production, starting as a paralegal at Dome Petroleum and retiring as a vice president at Encana...
Frances Camyre Memorial Foundation Fund at the Calgary Foundation
Frances Camyre was a well known pioneer in the oil business. Known to virtually everyone in the business, she had a great many friends in the oil industry. She highly valued post-secondary education, as this was one opportunity that she herself had missed.
George Fawcett Memorial Fund
The George Gavin Fawcett Memorial Scholarship is in memory of an Alberta Pioneer who attended Olds College in 1925. He received his degree in Agriculture from the University of Alberta in 1930. He was an active farmer in a family partnership for over thirty...
Gerald Archer (Margaret Archer Memorial)
Margaret Archer (Atkinson) graduated from Olds College in 1950. She worked alongside her husband Gerald running a mixed dairy and grain farming operation, besides raising six children and earning extra money selling eggs and her well-known “milk-fed” chickens and...
Harlow Sutherland, B.Sc (Memorial)
Born in St Paul, Minn., in 1916. Attended High School in Alberta, and went on to the University of Minnesota, taking Agricultural Biochemistry. He was a member of the Chi Phi Academic Fraternity. Sigma Phi American Honorary Scientific Fraternity, and the Chemical...