George Fawcett Memorial Fund
The George Gavin Fawcett Memorial Scholarship is in memory of an Alberta Pioneer who attended Olds College in 1925.
He received his degree in Agriculture from the University of Alberta in 1930.
He was an active farmer in a family partnership for over thirty years.
In 1937 the Alberta government developed a program called “Youth Training School”. George took an active part in teaching these short courses in rural areas of AB.
He and his family devoted many years of hard work on the farm to an “Illustration Station”, which was an extension of agricultural research of the day.
He kept precise precipitation records for over 50 years.
George was always in the frontline of discerning community needs and program development.
He was a person of broad vision, unafraid of taking risks if he felt it was for the betterment of the local community, his province, and his country.
He maintained his keen interest and support of Olds College throughout his lifetime.
He was inducted into the Olds College Alumni Hall of Fame in 1976.