Jim and Doris Garner Fund at the Calgary Foundation
The reason for setting up this award is twofold.
It’s a way of fulfilling the responsibility to give back and contribute to fellow Canadians, as well; it is to honor my parents, James Aubrey and Doris Garner.
My father, with Mother’s strong support, had an exemplary career in Ontario Agriculture.
He served as an agricultural representative (similar to Alberta’s District Agriculturalists) in several counties – his longest term being in Kent County.
He received many honors from the farm communities in which he worked. He aided farmers in the introduction of crops, and created marketing associations.
During World War II, in addition to conducting his regular duties, he organized the first Prisoner of War farm labor camps in Kent County.
In 1956, he was appointed Ontario’s Chief Agricultural Officer.
After his untimely death in 1959, he was inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame.
While his career was in Ontario, my father had visited Alberta and had special memories of this province.
He felt the farmers and ranchers here were similar to farm friends in Kent County. He was a strong believer in the family farm and in small agribusiness.
We have already given a bursary to my father’s alma mater – Ontario Agricultural College; but we wanted to also give one to Olds, not only because of my father’s interest in Alberta, but because my wife and I have built our careers in this great province.
We would like to think that the students who benefit in a small way from the bursary would find a way to also share success at an appropriate time in their future lives – best wishes and good luck to all the Olds students.